
Call for Projects Released – CMAQ & TAP

The CMAQ and TAP Call for Projects was released today, January 6th, by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP).

Local agencies should complete their applications by Friday, February 17, 2017. Your Planning Liaison (Janell Jensen) will then review and officially submit the applications by the March 3, 2017, application deadline.

New this year, local agencies will submit their application(s) online through CMAP’s eTIP database. Click here for eTIP directions and for Application Materials.

Projects that are funded:

  • CMAQ funds projects that improve air quality and reduce congestion. Eligible project types are: Transit Improvements (transit facility, service, equipment & access to transit projects), Traffic Flow Improvements (bottleneck eliminations, intersection improvements & signal interconnect projects), Bicycle Facilities, Direct Emissions Reduction, and Demonstration projects.
  • TAP only funds bicycle facility projects, which should serve a transportation purpose and not just a recreational facility.

For questions or application help, please contact your Planning Liaison, Janell Jensen (815-334-4642).