Surface Transportation Program



The local Surface Transportation Program (STP) uses a federal funding source, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), to fund a portion of the project costs. The federal share for STP is generally 80% with a 20% local match, but is subject to the sliding scale adjustment.

FAST Act funds projects that are on a Federal-Aid Highway System with a functional classification of collector and above, bridge projects on any public road, transit capital projects, bus terminals and bus facilities. Roadways with a local road/street functional classification cannot obtain federal funding, except for bridge projects.

McHenry County Council of Mayors has a STP Project Selection & Programming Procedures document that details the Call for Projects, project application, project selection, and program management process.

The Council only provides federal STP funding for Phase 1 engineering, Phase II engineering, and construction phases (included construction engineering) of the project development process. Not funded and 100% the responsibility of the local agency are: right-of-way acquisition. This is subject to change each Call for Projects.

Current Program

View the current STP Program of Projects here (Approved 07/19/2024).

View the current IDOT Monitoring Schedule for McHenry County (8/14/24).

Current Guidebook/ Methodology, Application

View the current Call for Projects Guidebook here.

In years without a Call for Projects, MCCOM revisits the guidebook and methodology for the next Call for Projects. This includes revisions to policies, scoring, and requirements for the Call for Projects. 

STP-L Marks Table

The STP-L Marks table is created by Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) for all the councils in the region. Each council has their own mark allotment (federal money), which is based on population. The mark allotment is revised annually based on federal authorization levels and IDOT forecasting techniques. In general, CMAP assumes that the new mark allotment for the current year will be carried throughout the life of the STP-L Marks 5-year table.

Additional Resources