IDOT Resources


IDOT advertises projects typically 7 times a year via the Transportation Bulletin. The Letting Schedule is published in IDOT’s Transportation Bulletin. The department will on occasion require a Special Letting outside of the published Letting Schedule.

IDOT Letting Schedule – Through CY 2023 (Updated as of 8/9/2021)


IDOT’s Getting Around Illinois map is a great resource for finding information, such as traffic counts, roadway functional classification, construction, and other information.

Coordination Meetings – FHWA & IDOT

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and IDOT meet with project sponsors to discuss their projects. Typically state projects are reserved for the Monday day slot, local projects are on Tuesday and Wednesday is a “spill-over” day.

Management Monitoring Schedule

IDOT provides an updated Management Monitoring Schedule for FY 2022-2027 Proposed Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Program every couple months. The projects listed in the IDOT Highway Improvement Program Schedule (updated 7/14/2021) document are located within the McHenry County Council of Mayors area.

IDOT Contact Person: Katie Herdus, Area Programmer
Phone Number: 847-705-4090
Fax Number: 847-705-4666

Preferred Truck Route

The State of Illinois requires local public agencies to report all preferred truck routes under their jurisdiction that are not classified as Class II or Class III truck routes and also provide their designated truck route network. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is required to post this information on their website.

Local agencies can submit their truck route information via IDOT’s online Preferred Truck Route (PTR) reporting system.

To learn more, click Circular Letter 2013-12.