A joint Call for Projects was released on May 5, 2017, by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) for their Community Planning Program and Local Technical Assistance Program (LTA).
Both programs provides funding and planning assistance for implementation and planning projects that benefit the community and the regional transit system.
Eligible Planning Focused Projects:
- Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) plans
- Corridor, sub-regional plans
Eligible Implementation Focused Projects:
- TOD Zoning code updates
- TOD developer discussion panels
- Transit Neighborhood Mobility Improvement Plans
- Special Funding Districts
- Innovative implementation projects
- Applications are due by Noon on June 29, 2017, electronically via email to applications@rtachicago.org
- Application Form
- Application Program Guide
- Local Match is dependent on the type of project and can range from 0 – 20%. Please contact RTA or CMAP staff for specifics.
- Project selection will occur in October 2017.
- Most accepted projects are expected to start within 6 months of project acceptance/award.
Application Information Session:
- When: May 18, 2015
- Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
- Cost: Free
- Topic: RTA and CMAP staff will give a brief presentation of the call for projects and answer any questions. During the live session, attendees may submit questions to applications@rtachicago.org.
- Location: To attend virtually, go to the RTA website at the meeting start time and click on the “Call for Projects Live Meeting” button to view a live stream of the session. If attending in person, please email Michael Horsting to RSVP.
Click here to learn more.
Michael Horsting, AICP
Principal Analyst, Local Planning and Programs
Regional Transportation Authority
Tony Manno
Senior Planner
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning