
2020 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program

**update September 2019**

IDOT has postponed the Cycle 14 call for projects until late summer/ early fall of 2020 to allow time to thoroughly develop a program that incorporates both the federal funds and the recent supplemental state funding being set aside from the Road Fund. (20 ILCS 2705-615)

Previous Cycle 14 guidance stated that Phase I engineering must be complete in order to apply for an ITEP grant. With the additional state funds, this criteria will not be required. Other changes to the program include at least 25% of funding being directed toward projects in high-need communities, based on community median income and total property tax base. As well as local match funds being determined on a sliding scale based on community size, median income, and total property tax base.

ITEP guidelines will be updated and made available as soon as possible. IDOT is working to ensure our ability to fully utilize federal funds in a timely manner as well as implement the requirements of the additional state funds.

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will be accepting applications for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) beginning in October 2nd, 2019 to December 6th, 2019. The ITEP provides funding for community-based projects that expand travel options and enhance the transportation experience by improving the cultural, historic, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure. Awards are anticipated to be announced in May 2020 with a Sunset Clause to have all funds federally authorized by September 30, 2023.

New for the 2020 ITEP Cycle:

The ITEP will no longer fund Street Lighting or Phase I Engineering. Potential Grantees may apply during the 2020 cycle provided a Project Development Report has been submitted to IDOT for review and approval and the submittal date is included and can be verified in the application.

CL2019-05 ITEP Cycle 14 Announcement