
IDOT Letting Schedule Update

The Letting Schedule was recently updated by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) District 1 Bureau of Local Roads and Streets (BLRS) office to accommodate the State of Illinois’s Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) requirements.

Highlights of the updates:

  • Unchanged FY 2017 and 2018 letting dates
  • Added FY 2019 letting dates
  • Pre-Final Plans submittal deadline moved up 2 weeks
  • New GATA Agreement Information deadline (aka completed/accurate PPI form submitted to IDOT)
  • Final Plans, Specifications & Estimates (PS&E) and Construction Engineering (CE) Agreement submittal deadline moved up 2 weeks
  • Final CE,  Railroad & GATA Agreement submittal deadline moved up
  • Final ROW Document submittal deadline moved up

Due to GATA requirements, IDOT will stop using BLR 05310 (5000 series) Agreements after July 1, 2017, for engineering phases and after the August 4, 2017, letting for construction/CE phase. Instead, IDOT will draft the GATA Agreements (based on PPI information) and send to local agencies to confirm accuracy. However, for CE Agreements, local agencies should still continue to use IDOT’s BLR 5611 Agreements.