Program Information

Access to Transit Improvement Program

The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) manages the Access to Transit Improvement Program. This program is for small-scale projects that increase pedestrian and bicycle access to the transit system, along with the ability to increase transit ridership.

Community Planning Program

The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) manages the Community Planning Program. This program provides funding and planning assistance for implementation and planning projects that benefit the community and the regional transit system.

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) manages the CMAQ program. Funds projects that improve air quality and reduce congestion. Eligible project types are: Transit Improvements (transit facility & access to transit projects), Traffic Flow Improvements (bottleneck eliminations, intersection improvements & signal interconnect projects), Bicycle Facilities and Direct Emissions Reduction projects.

Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) manages the HSIP program. The maximum federal share is 90% with a 10% local share. This program funds all phases of a project (preliminary engineering, design, construction and construction engineering). Projects should improve a location/feature, or address a highway safety need that’s contributing to severe roadway crashes.

Local Rail/Highway Grade Crossing Safety Programs

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) manages this program. IDOT places a stronger emphasis on railroad crossing closures, warning devices and circuitry related projects. Less emphasis is being made on railroad crossing surface projects. The maximum federal share: (1) Railroad Warning Devices & Circuitry: 90% Federal, 10% Railroad match; (2) Railroad Crossing Surface Renewals: 50% Federal, 50% Railroad match; (3) Roadway approaches: IDOT will first work with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to fund these with Grade Crossing Protect Funds (GCPF). If GCPF are not available, then it will be funded at 90% Federal and 10% Local match.

Local Technical Assistance Program (LTA)

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) manages the LTA program. The program helps communities partake in a number of planning projects, including comprehensive plans, zoning code updates, parking studies, bicycle and pedestrian plans, and more.

Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP)

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) manages the ITEP program. Funds the following project categories:

  • Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities
  • Landscape/Streetscape and Other Scenic Beautification
  • Conversion of Abandoned Railroad Corridors to Trails
  • Historic Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Transportation Facilities
  • Vegetation Management in Transportation Rights-of-Way
  • Archaeological Activities Relating to Impacts from Implementation of a Transportation Project
  • Storm Water Management, Control and Water Pollution Prevention or Abatement Related to Highway Construction or Due to Highway Runoff
  • Reduce Vehicle-Caused Wildlife Mortality or Restore and Maintain Connectivity Among Terrestrial or Aquatic Habitats
  • Construction of Turnouts, Overlooks and Viewing Areas

Illinois Special Bridge Program

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) manages the Illinois Special Bridge Program (formerly known as Major Bridge program). This program is for existing deficient bridges that carry a highway. The total project cost for all engineering, utilities, land acquisition, and construction costs (including minimal approach work) must total a minimum of $1,000,000 for program applicants. The Major Bridge Program provides funding only for construction and construction engineering, with a 80% federal and 20% local share.

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) manages the SRTS program. This program is assist students who walk or bike to school and has three main goals:

  • To enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school.
  • To make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age.
  • To facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity (within two miles) of both public and private primary and middle schools (grades K-8).

SRTS funds both infrastructure improvements to the physical environment as well as non-infrastructure projects. Eligible project sponsors include schools and school districts, governmental entities and non-profit organizations. Projects may be organized on a variety of jurisdictional levels. Projects will be funded at 100% with no local match required for the FY2019 cycle. 

Transportation Alternative Program (TAP)

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) manages the TAP program. TAP only funds bicycle facility projects.

Truck Access Route Program (TARP)

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) manages the TARP program. Helps local governments upgrade roads to accommodate 80,000 pound truck loads. Provides $45,000 per lane mile and $22,000 per intersection for selected projects. The maximum state participation is 50% of the total construction costs or $900,000, whichever is less.